Using Administrative Mobile Features

Districts that purchase the Frontline Insights Platform also gain access to the Frontline Education mobile app! The user-friendly app provides increased accessibility to key features such as the Daily Report, absence creation, and other time-tracking tools.


Check out our related video -  Frontline Mobile App (3:34) - as you review this topic.

Getting Started

In preparation, please ensure you meet the following qualifications prior to downloading the app:

  • Your district must utilize Frontline's Insights Platform.

Once you meet these qualifications, you can download the app and sign in.

Access the app store on your mobile device and enter "Frontline Education" in the search bar. Press the Get or Install button and install the app.


Once the download is complete, a welcome page will display. Press Get Started to proceed. The Sign In page then appears. Enter your Frontline ID account or use SSO and sign in.


Key Features

The graph at the top of the page provides an overview of filled or unfilled absences, and you can select a particular timeframe (Yesterday, Today, and/or Tomorrow) to view that day's absence data.

You can also select Approvals (to review absences pending approval) or Absences Today (to identify which of your district absences are filled, unfilled, and/or do not require substitutes).


Menu/Side Navigation

The "Menu" opens a side navigation bar where you can access current tools and settings. Review the options below to learn more about this functionality.

Examples of Menu, People, and Approvals


Menu Options  
  Home Return to the homepage.
  People View your contact list and reference email and/or personal phone options.
  Approvals Review pending approvals and approve or deny a request.
  Absences identify which of your absences are filled, unfilled, and/or do not require a substitute. You can select a specific individual from the list to review individual details and assign a sub (when needed). You can also select the "+" icon to create a new absence.
  Calendar View upcoming scheduled absences and any Professional Development events you have registered for through Professional Learning Management.
  Inbox Review any received messages.
  Help Center Navigate to the application's learning center for help content.
  Settings Enable dark mode, log out of the app, or switch organizations.
  Feedback Inform Frontline of any bugs or issues with the application's functionality. Your feedback is always welcomed and reviewed in a timely manner.
  Privacy Policy Review Frontline's privacy policy and standards.
  Visit Website Navigate to the web version system login page.

Examples of Absences, Calendar, and Inbox
