Frontline Mobile

Viewing Absence Reason Balances

Your district may allocate a specified allotment of leave balances for each school year, and if enabled, you can reference this number via your Frontline mobile app.

Understanding Leave Balances

Leave balances represent the total available time that can be applied toward an absence. Balances are broken down by absence reason and can be calculated in days or hours, depending on district settings.

 Example: Let's say that out of your overall leave balances, you have 24 hours allotted toward the absence reason labeled as "Sick" time. If you use 8 hours of that "Sick" balance, you now have 16 hours remaining that can be used when you select the "Sick" absence reason.

The system monitors your remaining balances and allows you to track these times within the app.


The district determines balances via the Absence Management system. An Admin must configure balance amounts and absence reason settings within Absence Management before you can view your absences and leave balances through the mobile app.

Locating Leave Balances

When tracking balances, you can reference a quick glance of these details on the homepage, or you can navigate to the "Overview" tab (within the Absences page) for a complete list of your balance details.

To do this, select the Available Leave Balances option on the homepage for immediate access to your balances. Or, as an alternate option, select Absences on the homepage or choose Absences via the "Menu" option.


Viewing Leave Balances

Each of the mentioned navigation paths will take you to the Absence page, and from there, you will reference the "Overview" tab to view your balances. The system lists each absence reason, as well as the available days (or hours) you have left, depending on how your district tracks this information.

Review these balances, as needed, to determine your available time for each absence reason.


The "Absence" page provides an overview of balances and other various absence details. If your district has provided these features, you can potentially view Paid Time Off (PTO), absences used during the past year, and a collection of any upcoming, past, or denied absences.