Downloading the Frontline Mobile App

Districts that acquire the Frontline Insights Platform also gain access to the Frontline Mobile app. The app provides increased accessibility to absence, time, and other system-related features. You can download and access this app in a few quick steps.


Before you proceed, you must first make sure you have the following qualifications to access the app:

  • Your district must utilize the Frontline Insights Platform.

Getting Started

Once you meet these qualifications, you can download the app and sign in.

Access the app store on your mobile device and enter "Frontline Education" in the search bar. Press the Get or Install button and install the app.


 Note: You can alternately scan the following Apple/Android QR code for quick access.

Apple Device

FL Mobile App - Apple.png

Android Device

FL Mobile App - Android.png

Once the download is complete, a welcome page will display. Press Get Started to proceed. The Sign In page then appears. Enter your Frontline ID account or use SSO and sign in.
