Sorting and Filtering Jobs (Subs)

Substitutes can use both "sort" and "filter" options to streamline their job search. This functionality includes the option to:

  • Sort available and scheduled jobs by job date ( jobs up next) or post date (jobs most recently posted)
  • Filter available and scheduled jobs by school name, employee name, post date, and job date

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Sorting Jobs

Jobs can now be sorted by job date (i.e., those jobs that will occur soonest by date, followed by jobs that will occur later, in that descending order), or by post date (i.e., jobs most recently created, followed by older jobs, in that descending order).

The system automatically sorts by "Job" (i.e., job date) as the default, but you can alternate this sorting option via the Jobs page. From here, select the  Job tab (located to the far right, beside "Available" and "Scheduled"). Once selected, a pop-up will appear where you can choose Job Date or Post Date.


Selection of the Post Date will cause the tab name and results to change from "Job" to "Post." You can repeat this selection process to revert the sorting back to Job Date, as needed. 


Important Notes

  • The sort function is available for both Available and Scheduled jobs, and each tab remains independent of the other. (Note examples of the "Available" tab above and "Scheduled" tab below.)
  • Your sorting selection will remain until you log out. The system then returns the sort option to the default "Job" (i.e., job date) sorting method. 


Filtering Jobs

Job filters allow you to further define available and scheduled jobs by post date, job date, employee name, school name, and shift type. You can determine your filters by going to the Jobs page and selecting either the "Available" or "Scheduled" tab, based on your desired results. From here, select the  Filters option in the top right corner of the page.

Example: Filter option (shown top right of the Jobs page) and Job Filters page


Post Date Filter

The choices for the Post Date filter include:

  • Today: Any absence created by an employee or an organization user today
  • Past 7 Days: Any absence created by an employee or an organization user in the past 7 days
  • Past 30 Days: Any absence created by an employee or an organization user in the past 30 days

Filter Notes:

 One choice is allowed for this filter option.
 This option can be combined with multiple filters.
 Press a filter option to select (i.e., "check") it.
 Select Clear to remove filter(s).
 Select Cancel to return to the previous page.
 Select Apply to add the filter to the previously selected page (i.e., "Available" or "Scheduled" tab).
 Applied filters appear at the bottom of the previous page (i.e., "Available" or "Scheduled" tab).


Job Date Filter

The choices for the Job Date filter include:

  • Today: Any absence(s) that will occur today
  • Next 7 Days: Any absence(s) that will occur in the next 7 days
  • Next 30 Days: Any absence(s) that will occur in the next 30 days

 One choice is allowed for this filter option.
 This option can be combined with multiple filters.
 Press a filter option to select (i.e., "check") it.
 Select Clear to remove filter(s).
 Select Cancel to return to the previous page.
 Select Apply to add the filter to the previously selected page (i.e., "Available" or "Scheduled" tab).
 Applied filters appear at the bottom of the previous page (i.e., "Available" or "Scheduled" tab).


Employee Filter

The selection of employee names will open a new page that lists the jobs available to you that are affiliated with those users. The results will display the selected users' available jobs (if the "Available" tab was previously selected) or the scheduled jobs (if the "Scheduled" tab was previously selected).

If an employee name does not appear on the Employee list, it means that no current jobs are available to you for that employee.

 Multiple choices are allowed for this filter option.
 This option can be combined with additional filters.
 Press a filter option to select (i.e., "check") it or enter a name in the Text box to locate an employee.
 Select Clear to remove all filter(s).
 De-select an individually checked option or press "X" beside a name to remove it.
 Select Cancel to return to the previous page.
 Select Submit to add the chosen employee(s) and return to the Filters page.
 Select Apply to add the filter to the previously selected page (i.e., "Available" or "Scheduled" tab).
 Applied filters appear at the bottom of the previous page (i.e., "Available" or "Scheduled" tab).


School Filter

The selection of school names will open a new page that lists the jobs available to you at those locations. The results will display the selected locations' available jobs (if the "Available" tab was previously selected) or the scheduled jobs (if the "Scheduled" tab was previously selected).

If a school name does not appear on the School list, it means that no current jobs are available to you for that location.

 Multiple choices are allowed for this filter option.
 This option can be combined with additional filters.
 Press a filter option to select (i.e., "check") it or enter a name in the Text box to locate a school.
 Select Clear to remove all filter(s).
 De-select an individually checked option or press "X" beside a school name to remove it.
 Select Cancel to return to the previous page.
 Select Submit to add the chosen employee(s) and return to the Filters page.
 Select Apply to add the filter to the previously selected page (i.e., "Available" or "Scheduled" tab).
 Applied filters appear at the bottom of the previous page (i.e., "Available" or "Scheduled" tab).


Shift Type Filter

The choices for the Shift Type filter include:

  • Full Day: Jobs posted for Full Day
  • Half Day AM: Jobs posted for Half Day AM
  • Half Day PM: Jobs posted for Half Day PM

 One choice is allowed for this filter option.
 This option can be combined with multiple filters.
 Press a filter option to select (i.e., "check") it.
 Select Clear to remove filter(s).
 Select Cancel to return to the previous page.
 Select Apply to add the filter to the previously selected page (i.e., "Available" or "Scheduled" tab).
 Applied filters appear at the bottom of the previous page (i.e., "Available" or "Scheduled" tab).


Important Notes

  • Filters will be removed if the app is placed in the background or if you sign out of the app.
  • The act of choosing multiple employees or schools can result in the displayed information being truncated to account for space. If this occurs, you can click the   condensed filter to display all selections.


  • When filters are applied to a job, a footer will appear with each filter type listed as a breadcrumb. This allows each filter to be dismissed individually. This footer will also contain the  Filter icon. You can click this Filter icon to ignore the filters and return all jobs to the list.
