Frontline Mobile

Editing an Absence (Org. and Campus User)

Once an absence is created, an Administrator can edit the absence details, as needed.

An employee with the permission to edit may only edit their absence before it has been approved. Once approval is given, only an Administrator can perform edits.

If an absence has not yet been approved, you, as an Administrator, can select the Approvals widget (as seen in the first image) and choose an absence from your list of pending approvals. From here, you can select the Edit option in the top left corner of the absence (as shown in the second image).

AdminHomepage1.png AbsenceEdit2.png

If an absence has already been approved, navigate to Menu > Absences. From here, you will need to find the date when the absence occurs and select the absence in question (as shown in the first image). You can then press the Edit option in the top right corner.


Step 2 of the absence creation process will open, and you can begin to review the absence details and make any necessary updates. These absence details include:

  • Absence Type (e.g. Illness, Personal Day, etc.)
  • Date(s) of the Absence
  • Timing of the Absence (e.g. Full Day, Half Day, etc.)
  • Substitute Requirements
  • Substitute Assignment
  • Substitute and Administrator Notes

Proceed through each absence step and remember to press Save Changes once you are finished. In this example, an additional day has been selected from the calendar and will be saved to record the update.
